Wednesday, August 25, 2010


What the heck is Facebook? Twitter? Blogging?

Based on my expertise i will answer these questions and explain how to use a variety of social networking sites to keep in touch, stay in business, and have fun.

I will cover the main social networking “spaces,” and introduces some of the ways people are enjoying them within a family or business contex and include information on posting pictures, using add-ons, and working with Facebook, Twitter, including how it has grown and the road ahead.

I will cover how you can use the various networks together, such as sending a Twitter message that updates your Facebook status, including how to use social networks for both personal and business use, and how to keep them separate.

How to use Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites for family, friends, and business
How to make your sites talk to each other
How to make the most of social networking and stay out of trouble
What you’ll learn
Learn why people have been flocking to these social media sites.
Discover how these sites can help you communicate with friends and family.
Put that digital camera to use with Facebook and Flickr photo albums and Twitpics.
Learn how you can use these sites to promote your business.
Learn how to keep your business and personal life separate online.
Learn how you can do all this while staying safe online.
Social Networking Spaces is for anyone wondering how social networking works, and how to use it to stay in touch, make friends and business contacts, and build an online presence.

for more info contact us at 954-667-7795 or simply send us an email through this blog

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