Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The house of a notorious Haitian militia leader has been transformed from a torture chamber into a school.

Learning From the Past
The house of a notorious Haitian militia leader has been transformed from a torture chamber into a school.PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - Under the 30-year dictatorship of the Duvaliers from 1956 to 1986, "Papa Doc" and his son "Baby Doc" imposed their will on Haiti through a widely feared and brutal militia called the Tonton Macoute.

Lionel Woolly, known as "Little Eye," was one of the militia's most notorious leaders. Woolly had a reputation for seizing homes he liked and evicting the inhabitants with no notice. When Baby Doc fled Haiti in 1986 in the face of mounting opposition, Woolly and other Macoutes also went into exile.

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